Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A new year...What does that mean to you?

Tonight when I picked up the kids from preschool Scarlett announced that it was almost "The New Year!" She said it with such excitement, such happiness, through a child's eyes for just a moment I saw/felt what the trio feels when excitement sets in.  Truly heart warming in every way possible.  I told them that since mommy was sick we were keeping it easy going, I would make them snacks and we would cuddle up and watch movies and eat snacks and I am sure go to bed before midnight.  To me that sounds like a perfect night with my family.  I was emailing my best friend today while we were at work, her in Illinois and me in New Mexico obviously.  She mentioned her nice plans with her friends and I told her our low key plans.  Then I began to reminisce a bit about New Years eve parties of the past.  Thirteen plus years ago Michelle and I and our "crew" always had plans, ohhhh how the tides have turned.  As you get older, the more simple versions of life become more optimum.  I choose jeans and t-shirts over fancy clothes, I enjoy low key life stuff these days.  Doesn't New Years bring back memories for you?  I remember spending time with my Grammy, aunts and uncles, my family is big and wonderful and so loving. Despite the ups and downs of life one thing remains-Family, close friends, and children.  I sit here remembering memories and missing my best friend Michelle so much, this coming year will come a visit to see her.

2014 has brought a lot of emotions, many roller coaster rides of epic proportions and finally brought me back to what really matters.  The large bank account, and perfect houses, the job of a life time...Those things simply do not matter.  Healthy and happy children, the ability to care for and provide for them, to make memories no matter what...That my friends is what New Years means to me.  I will be honest in that the beginning of 2014 I was hitting a downward spiral, I was in a bad place, and I do not mind sharing this little bit.  It is therapeutic in a sense.  I brought a lot of it on myself, and realizing that portion was...well very eye opening and honest.  I took a break from a lot in life, I went off social media (Facebook) and I am so much better for it in all honesty.  I was too busy watching others lives instead of living my own so I made the decision and have not looked back.  I am nearly 7 months sober from Facebook! Haha!

I am now a healthier version of myself, I am happier. I work at a local hospital here in New Mexico and no it might not be the job but guess what-IT IS A JOB! I can help provide for our family, and that is the most important part.  To care for my family-my husband, my children, my life...Each day I choose to be positive, I choose to make a difference no matter how small it might be and in the end I am happy with what New Mexico has brought me as well as my little family. 

As I close I will post a few pictures of my kids because they are my reason, they are my everything.  Yes most of the time I am tested in about 2 million ways, peppered with 1 billion questions in a 3 minute span and loved in a pure, beautiful and amazing way.  New Years is what YOU make of it, I choose to make it wonderful.  No resolutions here, simply just a promise to live. To love. To enjoy. To be thankful. To pay it forward.
May you all be as blessed as I am...

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I love love love new year, as it's a time to look back on the last year, and learn from it all so I can start anew! <3
