Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hopes, Ambitions, Dreams...

  As any person we all have hopes and dreams for ourselves, places we will go, the people we will meet, the lives we will live.  As a kid I remember being an OK student, I never applied myself looking back.  That trend sadly followed me through junior high and then high school.  I applied myself on the soccer field, the dance team, and even the flag team.  I enjoyed all of those activities yet could never find the deep urge to be a great student.  When I graduated high school it was not a huge surprise I applied to ZERO colleges, I had ZERO college goals and sadly my parents were so busy with little kiddos, a toddler and another teenager that I think I fell through the cracks to a point.  I went to the local junior college, did several courses and got mediocre grades at best-once again NOT applying myself.  I worked at a local grocery store full time, and then a beauty supply store and a few other odd jobs that I cannot for the life of me remember anymore!  I always put my effort into things that did not matter such as my high school boyfriend, and activities that got me no where. 

  I remember my parents telling me that I wanted the independence of being on my own yet lacked the means to do so.  How true that would prove to be.  It is funny that 25 years later I sit here and realize that every thing they said to me was correct, that as an adult who is almost 35 years old with 3 kids and no real direction it is true.  Make goals, set them, and stick to them. 
  One morning I woke up, realizing my boyfriend was not who he proclaimed to be.  That I had tons of fights with my parents and dang it-I needed to snap out of my hole I was digging myself in and QUICK.  I went and spoke to the Army recruiter first, they offered a bonus and other awesome little things.  Next I spoke to the Air Force recruiter and to this day I remember every word, every feeling I felt, every question I had and I KNEW, KNEW that the Air Force was my future, my home, my love.  At 19 years old I fell in love with serving my country, I did it because I wanted to make a difference however small it might be, I loved Air Power, I loved it ALL!  I went home and spoke to my parents and told them I was going to enlist, and I believe they were taken back.  We joke but little California girl who had her nails done and hair done was going to boot camp and be part of the military?  My dad laughed and said "Ok, we will see you in a week!"  Even as I boarded the plane to head to San Antonio, Texas I knew this was my path.  Boy was I in for a wake up call!  I got to Texas, I was told to stand at attention, then taken to dorms, slept like 4 minutes and was woke up to parade around for uniforms, eat in about 2 minutes, and basically they broke us down.  The Air Force broke me down, to build me up as an AIRMAN, A UNITED STATES AIRMAN OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE.  What a beautiful statement that is, to this day it brings a lump in my throat, that I did it.
  Our first phone call was about 5 minutes long and I believe I cried to my parents the entire time, saying things like I cannot believe I chose this and I want to come home!  Yet with each call, each letter, I was stronger.  I could run miles and miles without stopping, I was in the best shape of  my life and I made life long friends.  Friends that I met in basic training whom I still talk to, amazing the bond you form with these people.  I became a Medic, that was my job.  I saw the administrative side, as well as the patient contact aspect.  I was lucky enough to fly aerovac which became more necessary once the war really kicked off.  I saw Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Florida, California, Washington, North and South Dakota, Virginia, Colorado, Korea and I am sure several other states that I am forgetting!  The military made me a strong adult, a woman who could stand on her own two feet.  15 years later I am now a proud Veteran, who is working in a local hospital with Veterans.  I am happy here in New Mexico, I have a life here.  I am a mother to 3 children, a wife, and making my mark little by little.  No I do not have a career in the traditional sense, I believe my children are my career, as well as being a supportive military spouse.  My husband has 4 years left and we will be supportive in any way possible. 

  I have a degree in Biology, that has not served me in any way at all.  Someday I hope to be a nurse perhaps, for now I am a mommy, wife, and a military spouse.  I support the Air Force in a different capacity now, and that makes me just as proud.  There are days I see people wearing the uniform and I long for those days, or at times I will look at my own uniforms that lovingly collect dust in my closet and have come with me from move to move.  I have a dear best friend who retired from the Air Force just a few years ago and still misses it so very much.  A true love for your country will never go away, will never lessen, my love for my Air Force will always be there-deeply rooted in my heart always. 

  I know that my purpose in this life was to join MY Air Force, to make my mark how ever small and to encourage my children to have respect for their country, to have respect period.  My goals, my dreams, my hopes may not be what I hope for but this one thing I know....My first true love was the Air Force and will always be.  I hope to share that love for my country with my children always.  Be happy, be humble, be thankful.  There are so many that make OUR freedom possible.  As you lay your head down tonight say thanks and be blessed. 

Until next time my blogger family.

1 comment:

  1. Love this...Sophia recently asked why I don't -rejoin...had to explain I am too old...Super blessed for those who continue to serve our country with integrity and do the right thing!
