Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years and all she brings!

  New Year has a meaning for everyone, a do-over, a new chance, a chance to start said diet, to exercise more.  You name it, I am sure we all have thought it at one time or another.  As I have mentioned in the past I do not do resolutions, I do life.  Yes I would LOVE for the extra 15 pounds that has permanently settled on my hips and backside to go away BUT I am also realistic.  Each day is a chance for a new start, NOT just a new year.  Every day I wake up, or rather am woken up by either a loud alarm clock or 3 little tornados who remind me of an alarm clock.  Who are eager for hugs, kisses, breakfast and cuddles-Now what better way to wake up?  I joke that I have been effectively tired since 2008 when I began my journey to motherhood, pregnancy was not easy for me either time and I am blessed that everyone came out happy and healthy.  Right now I have a little Scarlett Rae sitting in my lap watching TV, I asked her why she wanted to be near me watching a movie that isn't that interesting for a kiddo.  Her answer was simple and made my heart sing, "Because you are my best friend mommy!" That my friends is WHY I strive for being a better version of myself daily.  There are times where I slip and perhaps fail because that is human nature, BUT my 3 little people whom I adore are the reason I wake up daily with a smile and a heart ready for what ever the day might bring! 
  New Mexico has brought me more joy than I thought possible, and in all honesty we were NOT happy about moving here.  I grew up in Southern California, more specifically the desert and well...this town is a lot like my home town 30 years ago!  Not much to do in the traditional sense but tons of family things, beautiful scenery, and extremely nice people who live here.  A funny tidbit, the owner of the kids preschool and I were chatting last week and we both realized that we grew up literally 10 minutes from one another and even graduated at rival high schools.  What a small world!  We both agree that "home" is nice to visit but it sure is nice to come back here-where we call HOME! 
  With the military being my way of providing for my family as well as Jason's, it has been a good life.  It has been a life that is not for the faint of heart though.  It is tough being away from family, it is hard being alone at times, raising kids alone while your spouse is half way around the world.  LIFE IS HARD.  It is those moments that make life worth living though isn't it?  I have a job that I can say without a shadow of a doubt, makes me HAPPY.  Is it a career? Who knows.  It is within my skill set, in Health Care administration and I enjoy what I am doing.  I am able to help in providing my family with a little more. WIN. 

  A few things to take away:
1. Be blessed with what you have!
2. Find the beauty in every day life even if there is a storm.
3. Be true to yourself.
4. Honesty will get you far, be honest even if the truth might hurt.  I prefer honesty than being lied to.
5. Own up to your mistakes, vow to make a change, and stay true to that change!
6. Lead by example, because you never know who you might inspire, help, or be the exact person that individual might need at that moment. 
7. Be kind. Be kind even when you do not feel it possible.
8. Finally, BE GRATEFUL!

These are the few things I am taking with me every day and may 2015 be blessed and beautiful. 
Until next time gang!

---Side note---these pictures were from Christmas morning! Inspecting all that Santa brought for them!


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