Thursday, January 22, 2015

ALERT-Real talk, no happy inspiration tonight.

I am putting this disclaimer out there, this is not a happy, flowery, post tonight.  Today started rough, I hit snooze right through my exercise time-YUP SNOOZED away.  It goes off every 8.5 minutes and its a Christian song with beautiful lyrics that usually get me thinking the right way.  This morning I felt "off", exhausted because our kids are in their own worlds that WE/I need to seriously put a STOP to ASAP!  They go to bed late, wake up in horrible moods, crying, and screaming, then the whole drive to preschool it is them upset, me upset and that is how our days begin.  Pretty suck-tastic right?  So number one, bed time ON TIME for them.  Next I need to stop eating like shit, I admit it-I eat crappy and at times I simply do not eat at all.  Jason or myself will make dinner and I will sit there at times with an empty plate, NOT OK.  Part of it is that I am always fearful of eating because of my past stomach problems that literally have me terrified most of my days.  My new job has had my nervousness at an all time high, I want to do my best and our office is so busy-it literally makes my head spin at times and the amount of work they put on each of us! In my book we are rock stars!  I usually run errands at lunch, read, and go to my zen place.  Attempt to relax but usually nervous tummy sets in, why? I have no idea. 

What I need to be doing is going  back to my positive talk, my eating right which includes the kids as well, exercising in the mornings because at night I am done.  These things will in turn help me get "right" because I feel so very off.  I had a mommy fail tonight, reached out to my best friend who I admire more than there are words and she said it happens to us all.  I am not a crappy mom, I am human and that I need to get the kids back on track-JOB ONE.  Next work on me, how ever that I am able to do so.  I need to figure that out-one thing I know for sure I will start tomorrow with a smile, no snooze on my alarm, I will work out, get ready for work, wake up my babes and make it a GREAT Friday.

A re-start.  Do any of you ever feel that a re-start of any kind is necessary?  What works for you?  I am interested in others ways of parenting, getting things done, and tips! 
Thanks for listening....Tomorrow is a new day!

Love to you all-

1 comment:

  1. Every day is a chance to restart!!!! Even when I am feeling 'off' I use my 30 minute commute to "talk" to myself and get back on track!
